Handy Tips for The First Time Senior Traveler
If you’re planning your first solo vacation abroad as a senior, it might feel like your anxiety outweighs your excitement. Travel can be stressful and getting out of your comfort zone doesn’t come naturally to everyone. Here are a few things you can do that will clear up the anxiety and stress and leave room for just the excitement.
Buy Travel Insurance: Travel insurance doesn’t cost a lot when you compare it to other travel expenses but it has your back when you travel. Travel insurance can come to your aid in case of injury, emergency illnesses like food poisoning, when you run out of medication or lose it due to lost or stolen baggage or a delayed flight.
Pad Time for Travel, Connecting Flights and Excursions: A good rule of thumb is to always arrive early. Arriving at an airport or tour bus ahead of time is a lot better than having to rush through lines and crowds. If you have limited mobility, remember to book connecting flights that aren’t scheduled too close together. Leave yourself enough time to get between terminals.
Stay Alert: Thieves and pickpockets look at seniors as an easy target so always stay alert and aware of your surroundings. At your hotel, don’t leave the ‘clean my room’ sign hanging on the door – it’s catnip for thieves. Instead, call the front desk when you want your room cleaned. Avoid wearing expensive jewelry when you’re out and keep cash in a fanny pack around your waist.
Go Easy on Heavy, Spicy, or Cheesy Foods: Sampling local cuisine is one of the most exciting things about travel, but if you’re unsure about something don’t eat it. Eating something you’re not used to might trigger a food allergy or give you food poisoning. Allow yourself a taste now and then, but on the whole, avoid street food and exotic ingredients.
Keep Your Medication with You All the Time: This includes medical equipment like syringes and non-prescription medication like cough drops or bug repellent.
Wear Comfortable Shoes: Rubber soles are your best friend especially if you’re going to be doing a lot of walking and sightseeing.